The iterator for Dict iterates through (key, value) pairs as tuples. Try:

map(dfun, values(d))

On Monday, June 2, 2014 10:25:35 AM UTC-5, Florian Oswald wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to iterate over a collection of dicts and evaluate a function that 
> takes one Dict at a time. In R-speak I have a list of lists and want to 
> lapply my function - which takes a list as input - for each sublist:
> function dfun(d::Dict)
>        println(collect(keys(d)))
>        println(collect(values(d)))
>        end
> # my dict of dicts
> d = [1 => ["a" => 1.1], 2 => ["b" => 3.12]]
> [2=>["b"=>3.12],1=>["a"=>1.1]]
> # works?
> julia> dfun(d[1])
> ASCIIString["a"]
> [1.1]
> # maps?
> map(dfun,d)
> ERROR: no method dfun((Int64,Dict{ASCIIString,Float64}))
>  in map at abstractarray.jl:1183
> What's the correct way of doing this? I'm surprised it sends 
> (Int64,Dict{ASCIIString,Float64}) 
> to the funciton and not just Dict{ASCIIString,Float64}

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