Thanks for the kind words.  I'll put together  a pull request.

On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:01:36 AM UTC-4, Gustavo Lacerda wrote:
> hey Keith, 
> Your solution is elegant because it delegates conversion to the column 
> push!, i.e.  push!{S,T}(dv::DataArray{S,1},v::T) 
> I have tested it, and it works for me too.  This is your code, so I 
> think you should get all the credit. 
> Gustavo 
> -- 
> Gustavo Lacerda 
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 7:35 AM, Keith Campbell < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Hey Gustavo, 
> > 
> > Below is a crack at a version that handles tuples and deals with some of 
> the 
> > issues John raised.  You can see some simple tests at 
> > 
> > 
> > If you're interested in working it over for a pull request, please feel 
> > free.  If you'd like me to do it, I'd be happy to. And if this seems 
> like 
> > the wrong approach, that's fine too. 
> > cheers, 
> > Keith 
> > 
> > import Base.push! 
> > function push!(df::DataFrame, iterable) 
> >     K = length(iterable) 
> >     assert(size(df,2)==K) 
> >     i=1 
> >     for t in iterable 
> >         try 
> >             #println(i,t, typeof(t)) 
> >             push!(df.columns[i], t) 
> >         catch 
> >             #clean up partial row 
> >             for j in 1:(i-1) 
> >                 pop!(df.columns[j]) 
> >             end 
> >             msg = "Error adding $t to column $i." 
> >             throw(ArgumentError(msg)) 
> >         end 
> >         i=i+1 
> >     end 
> > end 
> > 
> > 
> > On Monday, June 9, 2014 11:14:24 PM UTC-4, Gustavo Lacerda wrote: 
> >> 
> >> OK, but first I want to make it work for heterogenous lists (tuples), 
> >> which is mysteriously failing. 
> >> 
> >> Gustavo 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Monday, June 9, 2014, John Myles White <> 
> wrote: 
> >> > Would be good to clean this up by removing some of the slow parts 
> (map 
> >> > usage, anonymous function usage) and have it submitted as a PR. 
> >> >  — John 
> >> > 
> >> > On Jun 9, 2014, at 1:17 PM, Keith Campbell <> 
> wrote: 
> >> > 
> >> > Thanks for putting this togehter. 
> >> > Under 0.3 pre from yesterday, I get a deprecation warning in the 
> Array 
> >> > version where df2 is assigned.  The tweak below appears to resolve 
> that 
> >> > warning: 
> >> > function push!(df::DataFrame, arr::Array) 
> >> >     K = length(arr) 
> >> >     assert(size(df,2)==K) 
> >> >     col_types = map(eltype, eachcol(df)) 
> >> >     converted = map(i -> convert(col_types[i][1], arr[i]), 1:K) 
> >> >     ## To do: throw error if convert fails 
> >> >     df2 = convert( DataFrame, reshape(converted, 1, K) )   # 
> <==tweaked 
> >> >     names!(df2, names(df)) 
> >> >     append!(df,df2) 
> >> > end 
> >> > On Monday, June 9, 2014 3:44:28 PM UTC-4, Gustavo Lacerda wrote: 
> >> > 
> >> > I've implemented this: 
> >> > 
> >> > function push!(df::DataFrame, arr::Array) 
> >> >     K = length(arr) 
> >> >     assert(size(df,2)==K) 
> >> >     col_types = map(eltype, eachcol(df)) 
> >> >     converted = map(i -> convert(col_types[i][1], arr[i]), 1:K) 
> >> >     ## To do: throw error if convert fails 
> >> >     df2 = DataFrame(reshape(converted, 1, K)) 
> >> >     names!(df2, names(df)) 
> >> >     append!(df,df2) 
> >> > end 
> >> > X1 = rand(Normal(0,1), 10); X2 = rand(Normal(0,1), 10); X3 = 
> >> > rand(Normal(0,1), 10); Y = X1 - X2 + rand(Normal(0,1), 10) 
> >> > df = DataFrame(Y=Y, X1=X1, X2=X2, X3=X3) 
> >> > push!(df, [1,2,3,4]) 
> >> > 
> >> > I tried to generalize it by replacing Array with Tuple. 
> >> > 
> >> > function push!(df::DataFrame, tup::Tuple) 
> >> >     K = length(tup) 
> >> >     assert(size(df,2)==K) 
> >> >     col_types = map(eltype, eachcol(df)) 
> >> >     converted = map(i -> convert(col_types[i][1], tup[i]), 1:K) 
> >> >     ## To do: throw error if convert fails 
> >> >     df2 = DataFrame(reshape(converted, 1, K)) 
> >> >     names!(df2, names(df)) 
> >> >     append!(df,df2) 
> >> > end 
> >> > julia> df[:greeting] = "hello" 
> >> > "hello" 
> >> > julia> df 
> >> > 11x5 DataFrame 
> >> > 
> |-------|-----------|-------------|-----------|------------|----------| 
> >> > | Row # | Y         | X1          | X2        | X3         | greeting 
> | 
> >> > | 1     | 0.39624   | 0.163897    | -0.146526 | 0.592489   | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 2     | -0.236239 | -1.81627    | -0.726978 | 0.638524   | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 3     | -0.801656 | 0.000801096 | 0.543645  | -0.997613  | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 4     | -0.30888  | -0.166953   | 0.640827  | 1.53217    | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 5     | -0.662719 | -1.38129    | -0.194937 | 0.928446   | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 6     | 4.37102   | 2.22107     | -2.15648  | -0.703392  | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 7     | 0.0866397 | -0.633333   | -0.745456 | -0.0144429 | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 8     | 0.581942  | 1.24061     | -0.867256 | 0.283671   | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 9     | -3.15614  | -1.39045    | 1.34395   | 0.343224   | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 10    | -1.67029  | 0.634846    | 2.08062   | -0.845479  | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > | 11    | 1.0       | 2.0         | 3.0       | 4.0        | "hello" 
>  | 
> >> > 
> >> > But then this happens: 
> >> > julia> push!(df, (1,2,3,4, "hi")) 
> >> > ERROR: no method convert(Type{Float64}, ASCIIString) 
> >> >  in setindex! at array.jl:305 
> >> >  in map_range_to! at range.jl:523 
> >> >  in map at range.jl:534 
> >> >  in push! at none:5 
> >> > 
> >> > It apparently tries to convert "hi" to Float64, even though the 5th 
> type 
> >> > is ASCIIString: 
> >> > julia> col_types 
> >> > 1x5 DataFrame 
> >> > |-------|---------|---------|---------|---------|-------------| 
> >> > | Row # | Y       | X1      | X2      | X3      | label       | 
> >> > | 1     | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | ASCIIString | 
> >> > 
> >> > Gustavo 
> >> > P.S.  Should the code go here? 
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> -- 
> >> Gustavo Lacerda 
> >> 

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