Rewriting the documentation for repeat would be great. I’m the guilty party for 
that piece of documentation and agree that it’s not very good. Rewriting it 
from scratch is probably a good idea.

I’m not sure I think `tile` is much better than `outer`. Maybe we should use 
something like `perelement` and `perslice` as the keywords? If we revise the 
keywords, we should also find terms to describe one additional piece of 
functionality I’d like to add to repeat: the ability to repeat specific 
elements a distinct number of times. That’s the main thing that repeat is 
missing that you’d get from R’s rep function.

If you’re looking for good examples for the documentation, there are a bunch of 
tests for `repeat` you could use as inspiration:

 — John

On Jun 12, 2014, at 6:17 AM, Patrick O'Leary <> wrote:

> On Thursday, June 12, 2014 7:57:03 AM UTC-5, Bruno Rodrigues wrote:
> repeat() is much more useful that Matlab's repmat(), but the docstring is 
> unclear, at least for me. Unfortunately, I don't have, right now, any 
> proposals to correct it. Could maybe an example be added to the docstring? 
> Maybe it could be clearer this way.
> I think an example would help make this immediately obvious. I also wonder if 
> the keyword arguments could be better--I don't have a good alternative for 
> "inner", but "tile" seems like a good alternative to "outer". That may at 
> least be useful in a rework of the doc.
> Note that you don't have to supply both keyword arguments, only one, so if 
> you're not using the feature of "inner" you can simply omit it. 

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