I have finished writing my first real Julia program (800 lines of code). I 
am using it to solve a nonlinear optics problem. It took me roughly eight 
days to move my code from Mathematica to Julia. I have spent most of my 
time (five out of eight days) in debugging and  playing with different 
IDEs. We really need a gui "friendly" debugger. 

I struggled the most with the manipulation of arrays. I think my 
Mathematica / Matlab background did not help either. In Mathematica one can 
write certain functional vectorized operations using one liners. I had to 
get out of that mode of thinking. When I started using Mathematica five 
years ago these vectorized functional operations were hardest to get used 
to. Now to think in a non vectorized, non functional manner seemed the 
hardest. Human brain !!

Any ways, long story short: each iteration of my calculation using 
Mathematica took roughly four minutes; Julia does five such calculation in 
two minutes. That has cutdown my total simulation time from 25 days to 2.5 
days. I am sure there probably lots of other tricks to cut down the time at 
least by half. I will keep that for the next program. 

*so a BBBIIIIGGGGGG THANK YOU *to all core and package developers. YAY! 

PS: Did I say thank you to all developers and everybody of this forum ? In 
case I forgot, Thank You. 

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