Hmm... Everything with floating point ranges is inherently difficult, 
because we want to give users the full accuracy (not cheat like Matlab 

In order for the slicing behaviour to be exactly right, it seems to me that 
we would need to store a start and a step increment, so that the 
calculation for all the indexed values becomes unchanged when the range is 
indexed with a range.

Maybe we could have a Offset type that could wrap the FloatRange (and other 
objects too)

immutable Offset{T}

function getindex(o::Offset, i::Int)
    getindex(o.itr, start+i*step)


kl. 15:11:18 UTC+2 onsdag 2. juli 2014 skrev Peter Simon følgende:
> Thanks.  I had mistakenly thought that linrange would retain the exact 
> value of its end points, as does linspace.
> My actual application is to reproduce the functionality of Matlab's 
> optional histc output: 
> [n,bin] = histc(x, edges)
> Here, (using Matlab notation), bin is an integer-valued vector of the same 
> length as x such that bin(i) indicates which "bin" of edges is occupied by 
> x(i).  My Julian attempt at reproducing this function used a range named 
> edges:
> edges = linrange(minimum(x), maximum(x), 20)
> bin = [find(edges[1:end-1] .<= t .<= edges[2:end])[1] for t in x]
> and it failed due to the issue demonstrated in my first post.  I think 
> that I could use linspace instead of linrange, but for other reasons a 
> range is preferable in this application.  Do we already have this binning 
> functionality in some other built-in function?  I checked Julia's hist(), 
> but it provides only the first output of Matlab's bin.
> Thanks,
> --Peter
> On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 11:59:44 PM UTC-7, Ivar Nesje wrote:
>> It is not a shocker to me. The problem is that Floating point numbers 
>> represent binary fractions, and there is no way for linrange() to actually 
>> get equidistant values you are looking for. It has to do approximations, 
>> and thus it will sometimes miss closest possible value. That means equality 
>> checks on floating point numbers should be used with extreme care.
>> Our implementation reuses the old step size when indexing a FloatRange 
>> with a range, but we could probably do better if we tried to keep the last 
>> point equal.
>> I reopened to keep track 
>> of this issue.
>> Ivar
>> kl. 07:07:25 UTC+2 onsdag 2. juli 2014 skrev Peter Simon følgende:
>>> The final result below seems really strange to me.  A bug?
>>> julia> x = linrange(1,10,20)
>>> 1.0:0.47368421052631576:10.0
>>> julia> 10 .<= x  # Gives expected result
>>> 20-element BitArray{1}:
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>   true
>>> julia> 10 .<= x[end]  # Gives expected result
>>> true
>>> julia> 10 .<= x[2:end]  # The last entry in this result is a shocker to 
>>> me!
>>> 19-element BitArray{1}:
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>>  false
>>> Here is the version info:
>>> julia> versioninfo()
>>> Julia Version 0.3.0-prerelease+3987
>>> Commit 7dd97fa (2014-06-30 23:12 UTC)
>>> Platform Info:
>>>   System: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
>>>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         860  @ 2.80GHz
>>>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>>>   LAPACK: libopenblas
>>>   LIBM: libopenlibm

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