Thank you for your correction, Jim.

In Apprentice.2, same approach with numpy version, I fixed as following.

Z = rand(100,2)
X, Y = Z[:,1], Z[:,2]
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2)
T = atan2(Y,X)

Also in Apprentice. 7, I fixed . position.

I understand Julia works well without anonymous function, so when should I
use array comprehension?
Do I have to make function to use array comprehension?

Many people advised to use array comprehension in this thread, but I don't
understand when to use it...

2014-07-06 10:58 GMT+09:00 Michael Prentiss <>:

> Julia is not as performant with anonymous functions, and list
> comprehension.
> The compiler has a harder time with the optimization step.  This is not a
> surprise and is
> known to the language designers.  This is not a surprise.
> On Saturday, July 5, 2014 8:01:46 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> In Apprentice.6,  I don't think you want to use the sqrtm().  sqrt() is
>> already vectorized over the matrix.  Also a couple of '.'s are misplaced,
>> so perhaps instead:
>> Z =rand(10,2)
>> D = sqrt((Z[:,1].-Z[:,1]').^2+(Z[:,2].-Z[:,2]').^2)
>> As a newbie myself, what surprised me is that this is faster and
>> allocates less memory than the comprehension:
>> D =  [norm(Z[i,:]-Z[j,:],2) for i = 1:10, j = 1:10]
>> I am sure someone else here can explain why.
>> Jim
>> On Sunday, June 22, 2014 10:43:32 AM UTC-4, Michiaki Ariga wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm a Julia newbee, and I'm trying to learn Julia and wrote Julia
>>> version of rougier's 100 numpy exercises(
>>> ~rougier/teaching/numpy.100/index.html).
>>> I'd like you to tell me more "julia way" or something wrong with.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Michiaki

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