Ah, nice! Anyway, I ran into some trouble when trying to load the example, 
but from the looks of it the cause is not something inside Processing.js, 

ERROR: win not defined
>  in include at ./boot.jl:244
>  in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
>  in eval at no file
>  in include at ./boot.jl:244
>  in include_from_node1 at ./loading.jl:128
> while loading /home/job/.julia/Processing/src/Processing2D.jl, in 
> expression starting on line 226
> while loading /home/job/.julia/Processing/test/basic2D.jl, in expression 
> starting on line 14

Linux, Ubuntu Nighty PPA.

On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 18:48:25 UTC+2, Robert Ennis wrote:
> Animations are there; check out the demo. I've decided to go for 
> simplicity and let the user wrap animations in loops, which should call the 
> animate() function to update the screen at the end of every "frame", rather 
> than building a draw() function that automatically and perpetually loops. 
> This actually allows for more a bit more flexibility over the animation 
> than the typical Processing approach allows. I've also abandoned the 
> setup() function, which isn't necessary here.
> Since this is being built on Tk (an eventual option to request Gtk will be 
> added, once functionality stabilises), this also means that we do have 
> interactivity. I'll be making that easier for users today, wrapping 
> everything in Processing friendly functions.
> Basic support for images, text, and spatial transformations will also be 
> updated later today.
> After that, I plan to make animations a bit faster, by supporting OS 
> specific drawing surfaces, rather than the general Cairo surface. Once the 
> 2D support is stabilised through Cairo + Tk/Gtk, an OpenGL based backend 
> for 2D drawing will be added.
> Best,
> Rob
> On Monday, July 7, 2014 3:53:39 PM UTC+2, Job van der Zwan wrote:
>> Cool! As someone who uses Processing to prototypes pretty much 
>> everything, I'll have a look.
>> One important feature is that it makes super easy to set up an 
>> interactive loop - your description makes it sound like it doesn't do that 
>> (yet).
>> Of course, the biggest draw to Processing is that it has third party 
>> libraries for just about anything you could possibly 
>> <http://processing.org/reference/libraries/> want a library for as an 
>> artist. It will be a while before Julia is at that point ;)
>> On Sunday, 6 July 2014 18:09:02 UTC+2, Robert Ennis wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> The first basic, but usable, version of Processing.jl is up on 
>>> METADATA.jl as a non-tagged package. To try it out, do a 
>>> Pkg.clone("Processing"). So far, you can replicate some of the basic 2D 
>>> drawing functionality of the original Processing environment and script 
>>> some basic animations by playing with colours. You will find a basic 
>>> example in the "test" directory of the package. 3D support is on hold until 
>>> the 2D support is finalised.
>>> There is nothing special about this package. It's just a small, 
>>> convenience wrapper around the amazing work from the people who have put 
>>> together the Tk.jl, Cairo.jl (w/ Pango), and Color.jl packages.
>>> Thanks for an awesome community and awesome work to build on! :)
>>> Best,
>>> Rob

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