I think that if you do

@sync @parallel for nn in doset

Then it will wait to finish before continuing execution.

On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 7:22:06 PM UTC+3, Thomas Covert wrote:
> alright that didn't do it either.  when I run this code interactively the 
> "write to disk" steps get executed before the @parallel for is done 
> running, even if the contents of the for is just a function call.  
> is there a way to not execute the stuff after the @parallel for until that 
> code itself is done running?
> thanks.
> -thom
> On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 10:43:32 AM UTC-5, Thomas Covert wrote:
>> I don't quite have a solution to my own question, but does this have to 
>> do with the multi-line nature of the above @parallel for?  i.e., if I were 
>> to wrap up the if statement into a single function call, would things work 
>> properly? 
>> On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 8:40:26 AM UTC-5, Thomas Covert wrote:
>>> I'm having trouble debugging some @parallel for code, pasted below.  In 
>>> particular, Julia seems to execute the "saving to disk" code before all of 
>>> the parallel workers have finished.  Why is this?  
>>> If the details are needed, "dsm" and "fnm" are bool arrays, 
>>> (theta0,y,X,Ds,M,G,T,Xs) are data not modified during this code block, and 
>>> gvals/vvals are SharedArray's to store results.  "doset" is an array of 
>>> integers.  "gprD" is a non-mutating function that I have @everywhere'd 
>>> previously
>>> any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
>>> -thom
>>> @parallel for nn in doset
>>>     if sum(fnmasks[:,nn]) >= 1
>>>         println("doing obs $nn")
>>>         fnm = fnmasks[:,nn]
>>>         dsm = dsmasks[:,nn]
>>> g,v = gprD(theta0,y[dsm,1],X[dsm,:],Ds[fnm,fnm,:],M[fnm,:],
>>>                    G[fnm,dsm],T[fnm,1],Xs[:,:,1],tDsPnn[fnm,:,:])
>>>         gvals[:,nn] = g
>>>         vvals[:,nn] = v
>>>     end
>>> end
>>> println("saving to disk")
>>> gvals2 = convert(Array,gvals)
>>> vvals2 = convert(Array,vvals)
>>> save("results/gv.jld","gvals",gvals2,"vvals",vvals2)

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