OK, I was thinking about general symmetric matrices (therefore I was 
thinking about LU - UMFPACK), though my operators are, indeed, positive 
definite. I never realized that Julia uses two different libraries for 
solving sparse matrices, but it makes sense.
Good to know that it is a matter of changing a flag. 

Thank you !

On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 8:16:34 AM UTC-3, Eduardo Lenz wrote:
> Hi.
> I am new to Julia, so I apologize if this is a well known issue or if it 
> has been discussed before.
> I work with symmetric sparse matrices and I would like to know if its 
> possible to 
> store just the upper (or lower) part of a matrix and inform Julia when 
> using this matrix to solve a linear system (using lufact, for example) or 
> when making simple operations, like sparse*dense.
> I don't know if there is a flag or something like a view for informing 
> Julia about this.
> Thank you.

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