
I gave a 4-hour Julia tutorial at the SciPy 2014 meeting in Austin a couple 
of days ago. 

The video is now available online at


The IJulia notebooks are available at


Due to the nature of the audience, the tutorial was aimed at people with 
experience of scientific Python, so it skates over those things that are 
similar to Python. But it tried to cover all the basics of the Julia 
syntax, and a touch of internals, and why Julia is interesting for that 

I would like to develop this first attempt into a basic interactive Julia 
tutorial, which I feel has been rather missing until now. (Douglas Bates 
has a recent one aimed at a different community.)

I do feel that the notebook format is the right fit for these kinds of 
Incidentally, Fernando PĂ©rez announced at the SciPy meeting that the 
IPython Notebook interface will be renamed to Jupyter to emphasise language 
agnosticism; the "Ju" comes from Julia ;)  So we should start calling them 
Jupyter notebooks, instead of IPython or IJulia

I would be very happy to receive pull requests and/or to separate this out 
into a separate repo if people would like to do some kind of crowd 

Thanks to Daniel Jones for pointing out that the tutorial was now online.


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