If this really matters to you, check out the implementations of find in 
base/array.jl. It's so short, you can trivially implement whatever behavior 
you want. For example, you could pass in an empty output array and have it 
push! the indexes into it.


On Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:43:29 PM J Luis wrote:
> > julia> find(x->x>5,a)
> > 
> > 5-element Array{Int64,1}:
> >   1
> >   2
> >   7
> >   8
> >  
> >  10
> which very very sadly are Int64. When dealing with large matrices this may
> lead to a large memory waste. These almost mandatory 64 bits issue is one
> the things that annoyed me more in Matlab for many times it was the
> difference between having something work ... or not

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