On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:10:50 AM UTC-4, Sheehan Olver wrote:
> I noticed that deepcopy of a vector doesn't know that the result is the 
> same type.  Regular copy does, see below.  Is this intentional or a bug? 
It looks to me like this is the reason

function _deepcopy_array_t(x, T, stackdict::ObjectIdDict)

    if isbits(T)

        return copy(x)


    dest = similar(x)

    stackdict[x] = dest

    for i=1:length(x)

        if isdefined(x,i)

            arrayset(dest, deepcopy_internal(x[i], stackdict), i)



    return dest

But I wonder could it be redefined to:

*function _deepcopy_array_t{T}(x::Array{T}, 

       *    if isbits(t)*

       *        return copy(x)*

       *    end*

       *    dest = similar(x)*

       *    stackdict[x] = dest*

       *    for i=1:length(x)*

       *        if isdefined(x,i)*

       *            arrayset(dest, deepcopy_internal(x[i], stackdict), i)*

       *        end*

       *    end*

       *    return dest*

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