I have an array of 2-tuples of floats, created as

julia> mytuples = (Float64,Float64)[(v.x, v.y for v in vs] # slightly more 
complicated in actual code
136-element Array{(Float64,Float64),1}:

Now, I'd like to split this into two arrays of floats. I was under the 
impression that `zip` could do this for me - according to the docs, [`zip` 
is its own 
inverse](http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/stdlib/base/#Base.zip), and 
the array of tuples does look like something I could get from `zip`ping two 
arrays. So I tried something similar to the example there:

julia> julia> [zip(mytuples...)...]
2-element Array{(Float64,Float64,Float64, ... and so on, 136 times...),1}:

so I guess that only works on actual `Zip` objects, and not on arrays (that 
could have been) generated by the `zip` function inside `[]`. (Also, since 
this uses splatting with `...` on large lists, it [might not be a good idea 
in the first 

What's the best way to accomplish what I want, i.e. transforming the 
`mytuple` variable above into two `Vector{Float64}`s (possibly inside a 
tuple or array or something)?

// T

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