hi simon,
very interesting to know indeed! I'll keep that in mind. thanks!

On 17 July 2014 13:10, Simon Byrne <simonby...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 16 July 2014 20:39:39 UTC+1, Florian Oswald wrote:
>> myexp(parameter * mylog(x) )
>> and it does make a sizeable difference. I'll try your version right now.
> Keep in mind that this is going to be less accurate than using an x^y
> function, as you can be approximately |y*log(x)| ulps out. I'm guessing if
> you're this concerned with performance then you probably won't be too
> concerned about losing a few significant digits, but it is worth keeping in
> mind.
> If you look at the openlibm source, you can see that this is basically the
> approach it uses, albeit using some strategic double-double arithmetic to
> keep enough extra significant digits around.
> Interestingly, since |y*log(x)| can be at most 710 (otherwise the
> resulting exp would overflow or underflow), if you could work in 80-bit
> extended precision, the extra 11 bits in the significand should be
> sufficient so that the final Float64 result should be accurate to within an
> ulp.
> -Simon

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