It wasn't obvious to me initially why `sort` wasn't working for me (strings 
and composite types). On further investigation it looks like that it only 
works for single-dimension arrays -- which makes sense. However, if I type:

lst = ["a" "b" "c"]

I get an error. The answer is that it's of type `Array{ASCIIString, 2}`, 
whereas `sort` wants the type to be `Array{ASCIIString, 1}`. The correct 
solution is to write this instead:

lst = ["a", "b", "c"]

The problem seems to derive from two design decisions:

   1. It is not obvious to someone new to Julia why one form gives a two 
   dimensional array whereas the other gives a one dimensional array.
   2. `sort` doesn't try to determine if the array passed is actually jeust 
   one dimensional.

I'm not sure there is a simple solution. I assume there's a good reason for 
(1) and (2) involves some overhead which might be undesirable.

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