You must use push!

Julia is very careful about the meaning of a function (partially because 
multiple dispatch makes it much more important than in other languages).

push! : appends a single element to a collection
append! : pushes all the elements of a container into another container.

c_zero is an array of arrays, and thus you will have to insert the whole 
array [1,2] into c_zero, not all the elements of the array.


kl. 16:17:19 UTC+2 tirsdag 22. juli 2014 skrev Frederico Novaes følgende:
> Hi,
> I started using Julia last week, so newbie. Here is the issue I'm having:
> - I want to store a certain unknown number of elements like [1,2] ( type 
> Array{Int64,1} ).
> - I first create an array to store them, using:
> julia> c_zero = Array(Array{Int64,1},0)
> - But then, when I try to append! a new element, I get an error:
> julia> append!(c_zero,[1,2]) 
> MethodError(convert,(Array{Int64,1},1))
> Thanks for any help.
> Frederico.

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