I think you should assume you have to perform branching at run-time whenever 
you want to condition behavior on values (like -1 vs. +1) rather than on types 
(like Float64 vs. Int64).

So I think it’s going to be very difficult to achieve the goal you have in mind.

 — John

On Jul 30, 2014, at 3:00 AM, Jan Drugowitsch <jdr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been recently running into a presumably frequently occurring problem, 
> and was wondering what the best way is to solve this in Julia. The problem is 
> how to dynamically choose amongst a set of functions based on some constant 
> parameter value (without the use of macros, which usually make my head hurt). 
> A use case would be the sampler for a probability distribution for which 
> several algorithms exist, and whose choice depends on the parameters of this 
> distribution. Given that this distribution is implemented as an immutable 
> class, one would want to pick the best algorithm at construction of a class 
> instance rather than evaluating it at every time the sampler is called.
> More specifically, an abstract example is to have some function f(a::BaseA, 
> x::Number) that chooses among
> f1(x::Number) = x + 10
> f2(x::Number) = x - 10
> based on if some parameter y, used to construct BaseA(y), is positive of 
> negative. In addition, we would like to add generic vectorization, akin to
> abstract BaseA
> f{T <: Number}(a::BaseA, x::Vector{T}) = [f(a, xi) for xi in x]
> The fastest approach might be
> immutable A0 <: BaseA
>     y::Float64
>     A0(y::Number) = new(float(y))
> end
> f(a::A0, x::Number) = a.y >= 0.0 ? f1(x) : f2(x)
> f{T <: Number}(a::A0, x::Vector{T}) = a.y >= 0.0 ? [f1(xi) for xi in x] : 
> [f2(xi) for xi in x]
> that is, re-implementing the vectorization, to avoid a.y >= 0.0 to be called 
> for every vector element. This seems to defeat the purpose of writing generic 
> methods. A second possibility is to perform the comparison of y at every 
> iteration by
> immutable A1 <: BaseA
>     y::Float64
>     A1(y::Number) = new(float(y))
> end
> f(a::A1, x::Number) = a.y >= 0.0 ? f1(x) : f2(x)
> For both implementation I find around the same run-time (vector of size 10^8, 
> no gc):
> A0: elapsed time: 0.687105729 seconds (1600000096 bytes allocated)
> A1: elapsed time: 0.696713456 seconds (1600000096 bytes allocated)
> However, I don't find either of them particularly satisfactory. A third 
> option would be to choose the function at construction of a:
> immutable A2 <: BaseA
>     f::Function
>     A2(y::Number) = new(y >= zero(y) ? f1 : f2)
> end
> f(a::A2, x::Number) = a.f(x)
> However, this is slow (elapsed time: 25.70402182 seconds (7999991920 bytes 
> allocated)), and defeats type inference (returns Array{Any,10^8}). As last 
> option would be to construct instances of different classes, depending on y:
> immutable _A3f1 <: BaseA; end
> f(a::_A3f1, x::Number) = f1(x)
> immutable _A3f2 <: BaseA; end
> f(a::_A3f2, x::Number) = f2(x)
> A3(y::Number) = y >= zero(y) ? _A3f1() : _A3f2()
> This is (surprisingly) still slower than A0 and A1 (elapsed time: 1.360536247 
> seconds (1600000096 bytes allocated)), and just shifts the problem of type 
> inference one level higher.
> Are there any better solutions to tackle this, or are macros the only way?
> Thanks for your helps,
> Jan

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