I am using julia on ubuntu 14.04 but whenever I try to add any package it 
outputs this 
INFO: Initializing package repository /home/shubham/.julia/v0.2
INFO: Cloning METADATA from git://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl
fatal: unable to connect to github.com:
github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out

ERROR: failed process: Process(git clone -q -b metadata-v2 
METADATA, ProcessExited(128)) [128]
in pipeline_error at process.jl:476
in run at process.jl:453
in anonymous at no file:43
in cd at file.jl:22
in init at pkg/dir.jl:41
in cd at pkg/dir.jl:25
in add at pkg.jl:19

My internet is working just fine. Please help
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