I think a point type would be nice, but I think tuples are going to need a 
little more work before that will be as efficient as you'd like. For now I'd 
recommend the 2d Array.


On Saturday, August 09, 2014 12:57:22 PM Jason Merrill wrote:
> I'm working on some algorithms that operate on a point set in N dimensions,
> and I'm most interested in small N.
> My first thought was to represent the points by a 1D array of some kind of
> Point type, with Point just being a type alias of NTuple{N, T}, or
> something morally equivalent. But now that I'm writing the code, it seems
> like it is currently a lot easier express simple computations (e.g. finding
> the bounding box) with a plain old 2D array. I looked around at what other
> people are doing, and noticed that Distance at least uses an Nxm array to
> represent m points in N dimensions.
> I see that Base "graphics.jl" defines Vec2 and a Point type for 2D
> geometry, with a bounding box method and rotations, but the machinery there
> isn't developed very far yet, and doesn't try to extend to 3D or higher at
> all.
> So I guess I'm wondering if Nxm arrays are the obvious right way to go, or
> if there's something to be gained from a Point type and it's just that no
> one has put together the relevant machinery yet.

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