I think you just need to remove the eval() from your macro. Macros should
always return Expr (expression) objects, and not be in the business of
eval-ing things.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 7:16 AM, Philippe Maincon <
philippe.main...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Within a module, I am defining a macro, and then calling it multiple time
> to generate a bunch of functions.
> I would like to make these functions available to the user of the macro,
> so I should export them.  My macro now looks like
> macro Op1(OP,A)
>    eval(quote
>       $OP(a::Dual) = Dual($OP(a.x),a.dx*$A,a.id)
>       export $OP  # code line 72
>    end)
> end
> (yes, I am still playing with automatic differentiation...) but on executing 
> the module file I get
> LoadError("P:/Programming/Julia/autodiff9.jl",72,ErrorException("unsupported 
> or misplaced expression export"))
> Can I somehow automatise the exporting of function using the macro as I 
> attempt in the code above, or do I need to explicity export each function 
> that I create via macro?
> Philippe

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