Hello Julia-users,

I wanted to take the opportunity to inform the community of a new package 
I've written, YT.jl.

yt (http://yt-project.org) is a Python package for analyzing and 
visualizing volumetric, multi-resolution data from astrophysical 
simulations, radio telescopes, and a burgeoning interdisciplinary 
community. yt is more than a visualization package: it is a tool to 
seamlessly handle simulation output files to make analysis simple. yt aims 
to provide a simple uniform way of handling volumetric data, regardless of 
where it is generated. yt currently supports such astrophysical data 
formats as FLASH, Enzo, Boxlib, Athena, arbitrary volumes, and support is 
in progress for Gadget, Tipsy, ART, RAMSES and MOAB.

The YT.jl package seeks to expose a number of yt's most important features 
from within the Julia environment. These include:

* Volumetric "data containers": spheres, rectangular regions, slices, 
projections, profiles, etc.
* YTArrays and YTQuantities, which are arrays and real numbers associated 
with symbolic units, and associated mathematical operations on them
* Simple visualization tools, such as generating fixed resolution images 
from non-fixed resolution data, and Matplotlib-based slice and projection 

To find out more about the YT.jl package, visit the documentation:


or the GitHub project page: 


Thanks for reading, and sorry for the spam. 


John ZuHone

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