Hi all,

I had some time today to push some changes to my Docile.jl 
<https://github.com/MichaelHatherly/Docile.jl> package documentation 
experiments that I’ve been thinking about for a while.

Some highlights:

   - Use of a @doc macro to avoid preparsing source code for documentation. 
   Only supports documenting functions currently. 
   - Support for doctests. Quite basic, nothing fancy. 
   - @query macro that behaves in a similar manner to @which, but for 
   - query method for full text searches. 
   - Metadata section for docstrings using YAML formatted text. Works quite 
   well for things like function argument descriptions. 
   - Pretty-printed results from queries in the console using Markdown.jl. 
   Haven’t got to HTML output currently. 

Although I’ve seen that docstrings may be in the works for 0.4 I feel that 
something to use until then would be nice, so if there’s any interest I’ll 
try add this to METADATA later.

— Mike

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