Is there a named function that does what & does, eg "&(a,b) == a&b"? I 
actually want a multi argument version like "$(a,b,c...)".  Also is that 
the name of that function is not "&" and "& is not overloadable? The same 
is not true of "|". 

*julia> **a = zeros(Bool,10);b=[randbool() for j=1:10];*

*julia> **a&b==b*


*julia> **a|b==b*


*julia> **|(a,b)==b*


*julia> **&(a,b)==b*

*ERROR: unsupported or misplaced expression &*
*julia> **&(a,b) = a&b*

*ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location*

Julia even seems to think & is a function

*julia> **&*

*& (generic function with 35 methods)*

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