This may do what you want (snippet from JuMP):

if isdir(Pkg.dir("ArrayViews"))
    const subarr = ArrayViews.view
    const subarr = Base.sub

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 7:38:27 PM UTC-6, Júlio Hoffimann wrote:
> Hi Joey,
>> It’s a bit ugly, but this should work:
>> try
>>     eval(Expr(:import, :ImageView))
>>     global view = ImageView.view
>> catch err
>>     @show err
>>     # fallback to nothing
>>     global view = view(args...; kargs...) = (nothing, nothing)
>> end
>> Unfortunately it doesn't work:
> err => UndefVarError(:ImageView)
> err => ErrorException("invalid redefinition of constant view")
> Júlio.

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