In theory, the compiler could potentially pull the bounds check out of the loop 
since the loop parameters are run-time constants, which means that the bounds 
check doesn't actually need to happen on each access.

 -- John

On Aug 29, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Ed Scheinerman <> 

> The compiler can't know how far I will traverse the array. That's passed in 
> as an argument. I've run this short of the end (and past the end) and timings 
> are always the same. 
> On Friday, August 29, 2014, Johan Sigfrids <> wrote:
> I believe that for simple cases the compiler is smart enough to remove bound 
> checking on its own. In that case adding @inbounds won't help.
> On Friday, August 29, 2014 8:03:35 PM UTC+3, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> I'd like to use @inbounds also to speed up code that I'm 100% sure has proper 
> array indices. But I tried the following experiment and found no significant 
> difference using or omitting @inbounds before the array access. What am I 
> doing wrong? Or is bounds checking so super efficient that I shouldn't worry 
> about it. 
> Here's the code:
> function filler(data::Array{Int,1}, n::Int, reps::Int=1000)
>     tic()
>     for r=1:reps
>         for k=1:n
>             data[k]=k
>         end
>     end
>     toc()
> end
> function fast_filler(data::Array{Int,1},n::Int, reps::Int=1000)
>     tic()
>     for r=1:reps
>         for k=1:n
>             @inbounds data[k]=k
>         end
>     end
>     toc()
> end
> n = 10*1000*1000 # 10 million
> x = zeros(Int,n)
> filler(x,n,1000)
> fast_filler(x,n,1000)
> Here's the output:
> elapsed time: 12.622814907 seconds
> elapsed time: 12.287447772 seconds
> On Monday, August 4, 2014 1:56:51 PM UTC-4, Jacob Quinn wrote:
> Steve,
> `@inbounds` is certainly tricky because of the lack of documentation, which I 
> think is slightly on purpose as this is meant to be for more advanced usage.
> The main insight to using `@inbounds` correctly is realizing that `@inbounds 
> expression` returns the value `nothing`. That's why your first two examples 
> don't seem to work. The value is indeed being calculated with bounds checking 
> off, but you're not assigning the value anywhere, so `nothing` is the result 
> of the expression. You can also do multi-line turning off of bounds checking 
> by using a `begin...end` block.
> Try the following: 
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>     @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>     @inbounds ans = sqrt(a[1])
>     return ans
> end
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>     @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>     @inbounds begin
>         # do several getindex, setindex! operations
>     end
>     return ans
> end
> Hope that helps!
> -Jacob
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:45 PM, <> wrote:
> Dear Julia users,
> The usage of the @inbounds macro is not explained the manual, and its syntax 
> appears to be strange.  Consider the three functions at the end of this 
> posting.  Only the third one works -- why?
> In general, I think @inbounds is broken.  Besides the weird syntax, it has 
> two other issues.  First, there is no way to apply the macro to one subscript 
> operation but not another in a long expression (as far as I know).  Second, 
> it is not extensible in the sense that if programmer A implements his/her own 
> array-like structure with his/her own getindex and setindex operations, 
> he/she might like to have two versions of getindex/setindex, one safe/slower 
> and the other unsafe/faster, but there is no way for programmer A to detect 
> whether user B, a user of his/her new array-like structure, has requested 
> @inbounds or not.
> I would like to propose the following replacement for @inbounds, which solves 
> all three problems.  Instead of a macro, there should be two different 
> subscript operations, say a[1] and a[$ 1 $], where the first is safe/slow and 
> the second is unsafe/fast.  The compiler will compile the first as 
> getindex/setindex and the second as getindexUnsafe/setindexUnsafe.
> -- Steve Vavasis
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>     @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>     @inbounds sqrt(a[1])
> end
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>     @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>     return @inbounds sqrt(a[1])
> end
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>     @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>     @inbounds return sqrt(a[1])
> end
> -- 
> Ed Scheinerman (

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