calling eval in a macro doesn't do what you think it does, so it doesn't do
what you want

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Don MacMillen <>

> Perfect Steve, many thanks for the explanation.  But just to be sure I
> understand,
> the multiple eval of input expression, your begin println("hello"); 3 end
>  would only
> occur during macro expansion?
> Also, just to beat this poor dead horse into the ground, to get the
> behavior I wanted,
> get rid of the splice, get rid of the splat and pass a single vector
> parameter to the
> macro and then eval it there.  Now that's the behavior I wanted but
> performance is
> another issue.  How would I reason about the relative performance here?
> macro hornervec(x, c)
>     p = eval(c)
>     ex = esc(p[end])
>     for i = length(p)-1:-1:1
>         ex = :($(esc(p[i])) + t * $ex)
>     end
>     Expr(:block, :(t = $(esc(x))), ex)
> end
> On Saturday, August 30, 2014 12:42:11 AM UTC-7, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>> The answer is related to your splicing questions.  What gets passed to
>> the macro is not the value of the argument, but rather the symbolic
>> expression of the argument.  If I didn't use a temporary variable, that
>> symbolic expression would get inserted multiple times into the polynomial
>> evaluation.  This is not what you want because it means the expression
>> could be evaluated multiple times.
>>> Try passing an expression with a side effect and you'll see what I mean:
>>> @horner(begin
>>>                    printf("hello")
>>>                    3
>>>                end, 4,5,6,7)
>> Whoops, I mean println, not printf.  And I mean, try passing it to a
>> version of horner that does not use a temporary variable.

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