nevermind, figured it out

# Like this you get a reference to the gpu memory object (a texture in this 
    color     = map(x->Vec4(.1,.1,abs(x)/.05,1),vals)

On 2 Sep 2014, at 11:33 am, Sheehan Olver <> wrote:

> How do I update the colors too?
> On 2 Sep 2014, at 9:09 am, Sheehan Olver <> wrote:
>> Thanks, much much faster!  To get it to work you have to do 
>>              Pkg.add(“ApproxFun”);Pkg.checkout(“ApproxFun”);
>> Below is the version that works for me.  Is there support for non-evenly 
>> spaced grids?  I also want to do functions on a disk.  (And cylinders and 
>> spheres…not sure how to plot those though.)
>> using GLPlot, GLAbstraction, ModernGL, ApproxFun
>> window = createdisplay(w=1000,h=1000,eyeposition=Vec3(1,1,1), lookat=Vec3(0))
>> function zcolor(i, j, t)
>>     x = float32(i - 0.5)
>>     z = float32(j - 0.5)
>>     radius = sqrt((x * x) + (z * z))
>>     r = sin(10.0f0 * radius + t)
>>     g = cos(10.0f0 * radius + t)
>>     b = radius
>>     return Vec4(r,g,b, 1)
>> end
>> yy        = xx =-1.:.05:1.
>> N         = length(xx)
>> color     = [zcolor(i/N, j/N, 15) for i=1:N, j=1:N];
>> h    = 0.01
>> u0   = TensorFun((x,y)->exp(-10x.^2-20(y-.1).^2))
>> d    = Interval()⊗Interval()
>> L    = I-h^2*lap(d)
>> B    = dirichlet(d)
>> S    = schurfact([B,L],80)
>> u    = Array(TensorFun,10000)
>> u[1] = u0
>> u[2] = u0
>> n    = 2
>> m       = 500
>> vals      = Float64[u[1][x,y] for x in xx,y in yy]
>> texdata=map(Vec1,vals) 
>> obj     = glplot(texdata, primitive=SURFACE(), color=color)
>> # this is probably a little opaque, but texdata ends up in :z, as :z is the 
>> default attribute for the data you upload
>> zvalues = obj.uniforms[:z] 
>> # Like this you get a reference to the gpu memory object (a texture in this 
>> case)
>> glClearColor(1,1,1,0)
>> for k=n+1:n+m
>>     u[k]      = (S\[zeros(4),2u[k-1]-u[k-2]])
>>     vals      = Float64[u[k][x,y] for x in xx,y in yy]
>>     update!(zvalues, map(Vec1,vals)) # now you can simply update the gpu 
>> object, which should be very efficient
>>     render(obj)
>>     yield()
>>     GLFW.SwapBuffers(window.glfwWindow)
>> end
>> n+=m 
>> On 2 Sep 2014, at 6:48 am, Simon Danisch <> wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> glad to hear that you like my package!
>>> I'm surprised that your code works without being very slow, as you use my 
>>> (a little confusing) API wrong ;)
>>> Here is a better version:
>>> I couldn't test the code, as some functions where missing!
>>> Best,
>>> Simon
>>> Am Dienstag, 19. August 2014 07:46:22 UTC+2 schrieb Sheehan Olver:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to force plotting in PyPlot.jl, to simulate animation?  
>>> Right now if I do a for loop over a sequence of plots, it only outputs the 
>>> last plot.
>>> This is in IJulia running on OS X with matplotlib version 1.3.1 installed, 
>>> and pygui(true)
>>> Sheehan

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