On Monday, September 8, 2014 7:37:52 AM UTC-4, Mohammed El-Beltagy wrote:
> Octave seems to be doing a pretty good job for this type of calculation. 
> If you want to squeeze a bit more performance out of Julia, you can try to 
> use explicit loops (devectorize as in 
> http://julialang.org/blog/2013/09/fast-numeric/). Then you might also 
> remove bounds checking in a loop for faster performance. 
> Try this function:
> function doCalc(x::Array{Float64,2})
>             XX=Array(Float64, 7000,7000)
>             for j=1:7000,i=1:7000
>                 @inbounds XX[i,j]=x[i,j]*x[i,j]
>             end
>             XX
> end
> Followed by 
> @time XX=doCalc(X);

I am totally not cool with this. Just simply making things fast at whatever 
the cost is not good enough. You can't tell someone that "Oh sure, Julia 
does support that extremely convenient syntax, but because it's 6 times 
slower (and it is), you need to essentially write C".  There's no reason 
that Julia for this should be any less fast than Octave except for bugs 
which will eventually be fixed.  I think it's perfectly ok to say 
devectorize if you want to do even better, but it must be at least equal.

Here's the implementation of .^

.^(x::StridedArray, y::Number) = reshape([ x[i] ^ y for i=1:length(x) ], 
how is that made less vectorized?

Yes R, Matlab, Octave do conflate vectorization for speed and style and 
that's a mistake.  Julia tries not to do that that's better.  But do you 
expect people to throw away the Matlab syntax?  No way.

for me:

*julia> **x = rand(7000,7000);*

*julia> **@time x.^2;*

elapsed time: 1.340131226 seconds (392000256 bytes allocated)

And in Octave....

>> x=rand(7000);

>> tic;y=x.^2;toc

Elapsed time is 0.201613 seconds.

Comprehensions might be the culprit, or simply use of the generic x^y 
 here's an alternate implementation I threw together

*julia> **function .^{T}(x::Array{T},y::Number)*

       *   z = *(size(x)...)*

       *   new_x = Array(T,z);*

       *   tmp_x = reshape(x,z);*

       *   for i in 1:z*

       *      @inbounds if y == 2*

       *         new_x[i] = tmp_x[i]*tmp_x[i]*

       *      else*

       *         new_x[i] = tmp_x[i]^y*

       *      end*

       *   end*

       *   reshape(new_x,size(x))*


*.^ (generic function with 24 methods)*

*julia> **@time x.^2;*

elapsed time: 0.248816016 seconds (392000360 bytes allocated, 4.73% gc time)


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