Works! I placed it in a freshly made juliarc.jl. Thanks!

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:35:58 AM UTC+10, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
> On Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:06:25 AM UTC-5, Isaiah wrote:
>> Macros are useful for this sort of thing.
> I'm on an isexpr() evangelism mission. Also going to use if statements for 
> additional exposition.
> using Base.Meta
> macro allconst(args...)
>            exp = Expr(:block)    
>            if isexpr(args[1], :block)
>                for a in args[1].args
>                    if isexpr(a, :(=))
>                         push!(exp.args, Expr(:const, Base.esc(a)))
>                     end
>                 end
>            end
>            exp
> end
>> ```
>> macro allconst(args...)
>>            exp = Expr(:block)    
>>            args[1].head == :block && for a in args[1].args
>>                a.head == :(=) && push!(exp.args, Expr(:const, Base.esc(a) 
>> ))
>>            end
>>            exp
>>        end
>> @allconst begin
>>            a = 1
>>            b = 2
>>        end
>> ```
>> (see the Metaprogramming section in the manual for more information)
>> On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Yakir Gagnon < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> I often define a bunch of constants at the beginning of a program. 
>>> Wouldn't it be nice if we could start an environment of constants to avoid 
>>> writing `const` before every one of the rows at the beginning of a program? 
>>> Kind of like:
>>> ```Julia
>>> begin const
>>>  a = 1
>>>  b = 2
>>>  c = "neverChange"
>>> end
>>> ```
>>> instead of:
>>> ```Julia
>>> const a = 1
>>> const b = 2
>>> const c = "neverChange"
>>> ```

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