It depends on whether or not the package's deps/build.jl script has any 
package manager providers listed for the relevant library. If you manually 
install libnlopt0 outside of Julia then I believe BinDeps will see that and 
not ask for sudo during installation. If you'd rather compile nlopt from 
source, you should be able to edit ~/.julia/v0.3/NLopt/deps/build.jl and 
comment out the provides(AptGet, "libnlopt0", libnlopt) line. I'm not sure 
whether BinDeps is set up to fall back to building from source if you were 
to abort the apt-get installation.

On Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:32:47 PM UTC-7, Don MacMillen wrote:
> I was surprised to see 
> sudo apt-get install libnlopt0
> on installing NLopt.  I'd much prefer a sandboxed install into the .julia
> directory.  Is there a reason?  Are there many other packages that
> require sudo for install?
> Thanks.

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