Thank you Isaiah and Patrick.

The source is a Dict{ASCIIstring, Any}. From your answers I realized, I can 
instead use Dict{Symbol, Any} as the source and then use either Don's or 
Isaiah's syntax. 

Yes, I was thinking that may be I should use a Dict. But then I would have 
to use Dict{ASCIIstring, Any} type. I was not sure (because I don't know 
about these things) whether that would affect the performance adversely 
(because of the Any). While Dict{ASCIIstring, Any} is a source that is used 
to change *inst, inst *is used multiple times in the program. Once it's 
value is changed, its type is known completely when it is used those 
multiple times.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 11:09:56 AM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
> On Saturday, September 13, 2014 6:47:46 PM UTC-5, 
> wrote:
>> However, suppose the field that has to be changed is determined by the 
>> program. Say, I have, 
>> varToChange = "numLines"
>> How can I use *varToChange* to change the value of *numLines* in *inst*? 
> Here are a couple of alternatives.
> Depending on the source of your "numLines", you can assign the symbol 
> directly, rather than via a string and a call to symbol(), combining it 
> with either Don or Isaiah's syntaxes:
> varToChange = :numLines
> If this is the sort of thing you find you are doing often, a composite 
> type may not be the correct data structure for your application. Consider a 
> Dict:
> inst = Dict{String, Any}()
> inst["numLines"] = 10
> inst["avgLength"] = 8.5
> inst[varToChange] = 20
> Patrick

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