Hi all,

I am porting OpenCV API to Julia. I already have some progress, maybe I 
will public it later. During the porting. I encounter a problem, I think it 
maybe a bug.

Suppose we have a C function like this:

void foo(int *a, float *b)
    cout << "Int array: " << a[0] << endl;
    cout << "Float array: " << b[0] << endl;

In Julia, I wrote a wrapper function like this:
function bar(a::Array{Int, 1},
             b::Array{Float64, 1}
    ccall( (:foo, "../libfoo"), Void, (Ptr{Int}, Ptr{Float64}), a, b)

I call the wrapper function in Julia:

bar([1], [2.5])

The Int array could passed to C function, but Float64 array could not. It 
always be ZERO. Do I miss anything?

My machine is 32bits Linux, GCC 4.8.2, I didn't tested in other platform.


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