I created a module to load and parse a set collection of data files. It worked in Julia 0.2. Here is the module with hopefully only the non-relevant code removed.
module Aerodyne using DataFrames using Dates require("dirlist.jl") export Status, aerodyne, aerodyne_load type Status # Constructor for Status type function Status{T<:Int64}(vals::DataFrames.DataArray{T,1}) Status(vector(vals)) end # End Status{T<:Int64}(vals::DataFrames.DataArray{T,1}) constructor # Constructor for Status type function Status(vals::Array{Int64}) end # End of constructor end # End of type function aerodyne_load(Dr::String,mindate::DateTime) end # End of aerodyne_load(Dr::String,mindate::DateTime) function aerodyne_load(Dr::String,mindate::DateTime,maxdate::DateTime) ## Load STR and STC files in the given directory (Dr) between the given dates ## # Check for Directory if isdir(Dr) == false error("First input should be a directory") end # List Files (Fstr,folders) = dirlist(Dr,regex=r"\.str$") # List STR files # Line 140 (Fstc,folders) = dirlist(Dr,regex=r"\.stc$") # List STC files end # End of aerodyne_load(Dr::String,mindate::DateTime,maxdate::DateTime) function aerodyne_load{T<:String}(F::Array{T,1}) end # End aerodyne_load(F::Array{String,1}) function parse_time{T<:String}(F::Array{T,1}) end # End of parse_time(F::Array{String,1}) function aerodyne_load(F::String) end # End of aerodyne_load(F::String) function aerodyne() end # End of aerodyne() end # End of module The error that is returned is as follows. ERROR: dirlist not defined while loading O:\Code\Julia\qcl_plot_basic.jl, in expression starting on line 34 while loading In[4], in expression starting on line 1 in aerodyne_load at O:\Code\Julia\Aerodyne.jl:140 Line 140 simply calls dirlist which is suppose to recursively go through a given directory and return files matching the input regular expression. dirlist.jl and the directory where all of my code resides are loaded into Julia every time from the .juliarc.jl file. (Fstr,folders) = dirlist(Dr,regex=r"\.str$") # List STR files, line 140 Any ideas?