> managed to get something working on my machine, so it might help you. this
> is the code:

You need to also add:

ccall((:oauth_free_array,"liboauth"), Void, (Ptr{Cint},
Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Cchar_t}}}), [result], a)

(roughly - untested)

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:52 PM, David Gonzales <dvdgonzale...@gmail.com>

> managed to get something working on my machine, so it might help you. this
> is the code:
> a = Array(Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}},1)
> str =
> "oauth_token=2a71d1c73d2771b00f13ca0acb9836a10477d3c56&oauth_token_secret=a1b5c00c1f3e23fb314a0aa22e990266"
> result =
> ccall((:oauth_split_url_parameters,"liboauth"),Cint,(Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}}),convert(Ptr{Uint8},str),a)
> aa = unsafe_load(a[1])
> bb = unsafe_load(a[1],2)
> bytestring(aa)
> bytestring(bb)
> cheers
> On Monday, September 15, 2014 6:45:41 PM UTC+3, Randy Zwitch wrote:
>> Thanks Ivar. When I get further along, I'd love for you to take a look at
>> what I did. Right now, I'm blindly wrapping the functions as practice, but
>> if you look in my code/tests, I can tell there are functions there that are
>> either duplicative or don't make sense. And if my naive wrapping is leaking
>> memory because the original function is leaking memory, I'd love to get
>> that taken care of before adding to METADATA :)
>> On Monday, September 15, 2014 11:37:15 AM UTC-4, Ivar Nesje wrote:
>>> That seems like a really tricky function to wrap. You need to do C style
>>> memory handling in order for this to work, and C style memory handling
>>> requires you to really look in the documentation (for the function) to see
>>> how it works. Example code for how this function is used correctly from C
>>> is almost mandatory.
>>> I found this example
>>> <http://liboauth.sourceforge.net/tests_2oauthexample_8c-example.html>,
>>> apparently from the OAuth site, where they demonstrate how to do a poor job
>>> and leak memory. DON'T USE IT!!!
>>> I'll try to write a correct implemementation that uses oauth_free_array
>>> <http://liboauth.sourceforge.net/oauth_8h.html#ada81dd39be59cadbc1bd77df78ffef52>(int*
>>> c, char**arg) to clean up.
>>> Ivar
>>> kl. 16:47:44 UTC+2 mandag 15. september 2014 skrev Randy Zwitch følgende:
>>>> Continuing on my attempt to learn Julia ccall by wrapping liboauth...I
>>>> have the following code that was mostly generated by Clang.jl:
>>>> https://github.com/randyzwitch/OAuth.jl/blob/
>>>> master/src/OAuth.jl#L248-254
>>>> function oauth_split_url_parameters(url::String,argv::Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{
>>>> Uint8}}})
>>>>     result = ccall((:oauth_split_url_parameters,LIBOAUTH),Cint,(
>>>> Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}}),url,argv)
>>>>     if result == C_NULL
>>>>         error("oauth_split_url_parameters failed")
>>>>     end
>>>>     return result
>>>> end
>>>> I'm pretty sure I want to re-write this code to remove the second
>>>> argument, since the second argument is just allocating space for an array.
>>>> I don't want to return the Cint for success/fail, but rather the array that
>>>> splits the 'url' argument.
>>>> function oauth_split_url_parameters(url::String)
>>>>     argv = *Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}}* #What Julia code actually goes here
>>>> to make this work?
>>>>     result = ccall((:oauth_split_url_parameters,LIBOAUTH),Cint,(
>>>> Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}}),url,argv)
>>>>     if result == C_NULL
>>>>         error("oauth_split_url_parameters failed")
>>>>     end
>>>>     return argv
>>>> end
>>>> I've tried allocating an array() in place of Ptr{Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}} , but
>>>> that doesn't work. I think this is an array of pointers to string
>>>> variables? How can I make this work?
>>>> Thanks.

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