Hi Tony!

I just skimmed your web page; looks like you're doing some interesting
stuff with NMPC in matlab/Simulink with your group's BLOM library:


so it looks like you're the right guy to be working on something similar
for Julia :)

Off topic: Since you're also at the intersection of programming language
and optimal control nerd-dom, you may also be interested in work Greg Horn
is doing here in Moritz Diehl's group; he has written a Haskell wraper
around casADi (developed mainly by Joel and Joris, two other guys in our
group), which in turn wraps a handful of solvers, i.e. ipopt.



On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Tony Kelman <t...@kelman.net> wrote:

> I didn't really mean by way of compiler flags or language pragmas. I can
> try -fno-rtti or -fno-exceptions with g++ today, it doesn't do me much good
> to spend a week getting half a dozen dependency libraries built with the
> obscure proprietary embedded board compiler only to find the very last
> thing I need won't work. The type of control I do is pretty sophisticated -
> optimization-based, nonlinear, large-scale MIMO systems, incorporating a
> prediction model of the system and satisfying state and input constraints -
> takes a bunch of libraries to do properly, not the kind of thing that's
> easy to throw together from scratch in C. It would be nice to get
> guarantees by construction that my controller and all the code it uses
> would be deployable to an embedded environment from the very beginning.
> Luckily microcontrollers are getting much more powerful these days and the
> line is starting to blur between embedded RTOS and lightly tweaked Linux.
> You can fit lots more code and do more interesting things with the same
> power/thermal footprint, getting lots more flops and IO in
> soft-but-pretty-damn-good realtime at the same or better speeds.
> Though what this thread was originally about was tools for doing offline
> control design, where Matlab/Simulink absolutely dominate. You don't want
> to do simulation, analysis, testing, and tuning in the exact same low-level
> restricted language that the realtime controller gets deployed to, the
> requirements are completely different.
> On Monday, September 15, 2014 3:13:32 AM UTC-7, Andrew Wagner wrote:
>> Another quick note, Tony:
>>  There are plenty of embedded environments where if you're allowed to use
>>>> C++ at all, it's only a limited subset, anything involving exceptions or
>>>> RTTI is often not supported. It's tough to audit 3rd-party libraries for
>>>> these kinds of restrictions, and achieve any kind of code reuse or
>>>> non-trivial complexity.
>> At least the "auditing for restrictions" part of that problem ~seems like
>> it should be easy in a well designed language.  I want to just declare an
>> environment and have the compiler throw errors if anything inside it
>> violates the restrictions I care about for whatever my personal definition
>> of what a "realtime" or "typesafe" or "pure functional" language subset is.
>> Something along the lines of: "#[deny(managed_heap_memory)]":
>> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/9984
>> Of course as you point out there is the other part of the problem
>> "achieving code reuse and complexity", which is much harder.

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