ISPC is not only a an explicit vectorization language, but has some novel
semantics, particularly for structures.  Not only SOA vs. AOS, but the
whole notion of "uniform" vs. "varying" fields of a structure is a new
thing.  A macro-based imitation might be plausible.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Erik Schnetter <>

> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:14 PM,  <> wrote:
> > Slightly OT, but since I won't talk about it myself I don't feel this
> will harm the current thread ...
> >
> >
> > I don't know if it can be of any help/use/interest for any of you but
> some people (some at Intel) are actively working on SIMD use with LLVM:
> >
> >
> >
> > But I really don't have the skills to tell you if they "just" wrote a
> new C-like language that is autovectorizing well or if they do some even
> smarter stuff to get maximum performances.
> I think they are up to something clever.
> If I read things correctly: ispc adds new keywords that describes the
> memory layout (!) of data structures that are accessed via SIMD
> instructions. There exist a few commonly-used data layout
> optimizations that are generally necessary to achieve good performance
> with SIMD code, called "SOA" or "replicated" or similar. Apparently,
> ispc introduces respective keywords that automatically transform the
> layout of data data structures.
> I wonder whether something equivalent could be implemented via macros
> in Julia. These would be macros acting on type declarations, not on
> code. Presumably, these would be array- or structure-like data types,
> and accessing them is then slightly more complex, so that one would
> also need to automatically define respective iterators. Maybe there
> could be a companion macro that acts on loops, so that the loops are
> transformed (and simd'ized) the same way as the data types...
> -erik
> --
> Erik Schnetter <>

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