Try findnz.

This seems to not be documented in the sparse section of the manual, but I 
would think it should be.

 — John

On Sep 18, 2014, at 6:58 PM, DumpsterDoofus <> wrote:

> Given column vectors I, J, and V, one can construct a sparse matrix using the 
> following syntax:
> sparse(I, J, V)
> How about the reverse? I.e., given a sparse matrix S, is there a function 
> which returns the column vectors I, J, and V that define S?
> One can obtain the list of nonzero values V with the command
> nonzeros(S)
> but I'm not sure how to get the row and column coordinates I and J that go 
> along with V. Is there a convenient way to obtain I and J?

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