I saw a couple of posts back that you are using MPI?  Any chance that MPI 
is issuing a callback on a different thread?  This could be an issue with 
c-interop and can be sometimes solved by following the steps in the  thread 
section of the manual.

On Sunday, September 21, 2014 1:44:23 PM UTC-4, Erik Schnetter wrote:
> Unfortunately I don't have a simple example that reproduces the 
> problem. So far, I've managed to whittle it down to an application 
> running in a single process without dependencies on external packages. 
> -erik 
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Tim Holy <tim....@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > If you have/find a clean example, certainly posting an issue will make 
> sense. I 
> > can't comment on whether the task switch during I/O is inevitable. 
> > 
> > --Tim 
> > 
> > On Sunday, September 21, 2014 10:25:11 AM Erik Schnetter wrote: 
> >> I'm aware that Julia's threads are "green threads". The issue of 
> >> thread safety still remains; if one thread is suspended in a critical 
> >> region, another can enter that region. Storing handles in global data 
> >> structures and incrementing global variables are such actions, and I'm 
> >> not 100% sure that the respective region in serialize.jl are 
> >> yield-free, even without my info output. I was surprised to see that 
> >> I/O causes task switches -- maybe something else (hashing? 
> >> dictionaries? creating new lambdas in C?) also causes task switches? 
> >> 
> >> gdb points to memory allocation routines in libc, called from gc.c or 
> >> array.c. I assume that something overwrites memory, destroying libc 
> >> malloc's data structures, leading to a crash later. 
> >> 
> >> -erik 
> >> 
> >> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 5:26 AM, Tim Holy <tim....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> >> > Hi Erik, 
> >> > 
> >> > First, one comment: tasks are not "true" (kernel) threads. Currently 
> a 
> >> > julia process is single-threaded. Tasks are better considered as a 
> form 
> >> > of cooperative multitasking. 
> >> > 
> >> > Yes, I've also found that I/O causes task switching. I don't 
> personally 
> >> > know a great way around this. One option would presumably be to have 
> some 
> >> > form of message queue; I am pretty sure that push!ing a new message 
> on 
> >> > it---as long as you don't need to touch I/O to create the 
> message---would 
> >> > not cause a switch. You can also use time() and other markers to 
> indicate 
> >> > the status of control flow. 
> >> > 
> >> > I haven't been reading things carefully enough to know whether 
> there's any 
> >> > history behind this, but if you haven't said so already...what does 
> gdb 
> >> > (or 
> >> > equivalent) say about the segfault? 
> >> > 
> >> > --Tim 
> >> > 
> >> > On Saturday, September 20, 2014 08:24:59 PM Erik Schnetter wrote: 
> >> >> I am trying to track down a segfault in a Julia application. 
> Currently I 
> >> >> am 
> >> >> zooming in on "deserialize", as avoiding calling it seems to 
> reliably 
> >> >> cure 
> >> >> the problem, while calling it (even if not using the result) seems 
> to 
> >> >> reliably trigger the segfault. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> I am using many threads (tasks), and deserialize is called 
> concurrently. 
> >> >> Is 
> >> >> this safe? I've been bitten in the past by this; e.g. I've 
> accidentally 
> >> >> added an "info" statement into a sequence of statements that needs 
> to be 
> >> >> atomic, and I/O apparently switches threads. Is there a list of 
> >> >> known-to-be-safe or known-to-be-unsafe functions? Is deserialization 
> >> >> thread-safe in this respect? 
> >> >> 
> >> >> I am in particular deserializing function calls and lambda 
> expressions, 
> >> >> and 
> >> >> I see global variables ("lambda_numbers", "known_lambda_data"). Are 
> the 
> >> >> respective data structures (WeakKeyDict and Dict) thread-safe? 
> >> >> 
> >> >> Is there a locking mechanism in Julia? This would temporarily only 
> allow 
> >> >> a 
> >> >> single thread (task) to run, aborting with an error if this thread 
> >> >> becomes 
> >> >> unrunnable. In other words, calling "yield" when holding a lock 
> would be 
> >> >> a 
> >> >> no-op. 
> >> >> 
> >> >> -erik 
> > 
> -- 
> Erik Schnetter <schn...@cct.lsu.edu <javascript:>> 
> http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/personal/eschnetter/ 

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