On Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:45:31 AM UTC-7, stone...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Could it be possible for you to create a Julia program to compare it with 
> the famous Jake Vanderplas post ?
> http://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2013/06/15/numba-vs-cython-take-2/
> Under which type of problem Julia fly much higher or easily than 
> cython/pypy/numba ?
> ("much" = x3 in my mind)

You should just try it. `pairwise_python` from that post can be translated 
to Julia quite literally. I didn't succeed in installing numba in my first 
5 minutes of trying, so I can't really report on comparative performance, 
but I can tell you that the Julia version's execution time is measured in 
ms, and the pure python version's execution time is measured in seconds.

BTW, I think in Julia it might be better to represent the points as a 
3x1000 array instead of a 1000x3 array, since you want the point 
coordinates to be stored next to each other in memory for this algorithm.

See also "pairwise" from the Distances.jl package.

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