I've always used the \Q...\E construct for this, which seems to generally
work well – it quotes the ... part to not have special regex meaning.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Robert Feldt <robert.fe...@gmail.com>

> Ok, since I could not find a ready-made solution I went ahead and the code
> below seems to cover most of my use cases. Sharing since might be useful to
> others... If something similar is already in Julia base please share... ;)
> Cheers,
> Robert
> const PCRESpecialCharsOutsideCharClasses = ".^\$*+?()[{\\|"
> const PCRESpecialCharsInsideCharClasses = "^-]\\"
> function escape(repattern::String)
>   res = Char[]
>   state = :outside_char_class
>   for i in 1:length(repattern)
>     char = repattern[i]
>     if state == :outside_char_class && in(char,
> PCRESpecialCharsOutsideCharClasses)
>       push!(res, '\\')
>       if char == '['
>         state = :inside_char_class
>       end
>     elseif state == :inside_char_class && in(char,
> PCRESpecialCharsInsideCharClasses)
>       push!(res, '\\')
>       if char == ']'
>         state = :outside_char_class
>       end
>     end
>     push!(res, char)
>   end
>   join(res, "")
> end
> repattern(re::Regex) = re.pattern
> repattern(s::String) = escape(s)
> merge_re(parts...) = Regex(join(map((p) -> repattern(p), parts)))
> dynpart = "error(\"a\")"
> line = "@check $dynpart"
> reparts = ["@check", r"\s+", dynpart]
> match(merge_re(reparts...), line)
> dynpart2 = "error(\"[a]\")"
> line2 = "@check $dynpart2"
> reparts2 = ["@check", r"\s+", dynpart2]
> match(merge_re(reparts2...), line2)

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