Adding the Julia Dependencies repo then updating and upgrading the system 
did not change anything. "versioninfo()" gives me the same output. Shall I 
purge Julia and re-install it again ?


Dňa piatok, 26. septembra 2014 10:19:33 UTC+2 Ján Dolinský napísal(-a):
> Actually after more careful look, I found in Julia dependencies repo 
> "openblas" but I thought this repo is not needed 
> because the description of the repo says it is meant for Ubuntu up to 13.04 
> but apparently there are two packages for trusty in there ... 
> Dňa piatok, 26. septembra 2014 10:14:10 UTC+2 Ján Dolinský napísal(-a):
>> Hello,
>> I am using the repo you mentioned. I upgraded to latest version and I get 
>> the following:
>> versioninfo()
>> Julia Version 0.3.1
>> Commit c03f413 (2014-09-21 21:30 UTC)
>> Platform Info:
>>   System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
>>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz
>>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>>   BLAS:
>>   LAPACK:
>>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.3
>> I did not included Julia Dependencies repo because it is meant for Ubuntu 
>> up to 13.04.
>> I both repos however OpenBLAS is available only for Raring, Quantal and 
>> Precise not for Trusty Tahr ... so I assume Julia 0.3.1~trusty1 is using 
>> original Ubuntu repo for linear algebra libraries and thus users of Trusty 
>> Tahr ends up without OpenBLAS.
>> Best Regards,
>> Jan
>> Dňa štvrtok, 25. septembra 2014 16:57:48 UTC+2 Andreas Noack napísal(-a):
>>> It appears that you are not using a fast BLAS. The BLAS and LAPACK 
>>> entries in versioninfo() should say libopenblas instead of libblas and 
>>> liblapack. You should use 
>>> as your repo for julia. That should give you Julia with fast linear 
>>> algebra.
>>> Med venlig hilsen
>>> Andreas Noack
>>> 2014-09-25 10:36 GMT-04:00 Ján Dolinský <>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Yes, Andreas point makes sense. Sometimes you may not want threaded 
>>>> linear algebra routines. 
>>>> My current installation reports this:
>>>> versioninfo()
>>>> Julia Version 0.3.0
>>>> Commit 7681878 (2014-08-20 20:43 UTC)
>>>> Platform Info:
>>>>   System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
>>>>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz
>>>>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>>>>   BLAS:
>>>>   LAPACK:
>>>>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>>>>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.3
>>>> Am I using the right library ? How do I plug-in the OpenBLAS ? I am 
>>>> under Ubuntu 14.4.01.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jan
>>>> Dňa štvrtok, 25. septembra 2014 14:47:12 UTC+2 Andreas Noack 
>>>> napísal(-a):
>>>>> OpenBLAS uses threads by default, but Milan reported that Fedora's 
>>>>> maintainer had them disabled. Hence, unless you are using Fedora, you 
>>>>> should have threaded OpenBLAS.
>>>>> What is the best setup for fast linear algebra operations ?
>>>>> That question doesn't have a single answer. Often when people want to 
>>>>> show performance of linear algebra libraries they run a single routine on 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> big matrix. In that case you'll often benefit from many threads. However, 
>>>>> in many applications you solve smaller problems many times. In this case, 
>>>>> many threads can actually be a problem and you could be better off with 
>>>>> turning off OpenBLAS threading. So it depends on your problem.
>>>>> Med venlig hilsen
>>>>> Andreas Noack
>>>>> 2014-09-25 5:52 GMT-04:00 Ján Dolinský:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> How do I make Julia to use threaded version of OpenBLAS ? Do I have 
>>>>>> to compile using some special option or there is a config file ?
>>>>>> What is the best setup for fast linear algebra operations ?
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>> Dňa nedeľa, 21. septembra 2014 9:50:52 UTC+2 Stephan Buchert 
>>>>>> napísal(-a):
>>>>>>> Wow, I have now LU a little bit faster on the latest julia Fedora 
>>>>>>> package than on my locally compiled julia:
>>>>>>> julia> versioninfo()
>>>>>>> Julia Version 0.3.0
>>>>>>> Platform Info:
>>>>>>>   System: Linux (x86_64-redhat-linux)
>>>>>>>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
>>>>>>>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>>>>>>>   BLAS: libopenblas (DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Haswell)
>>>>>>>   LAPACK:
>>>>>>>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>>>>>>>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.3
>>>>>>> julia> include("code/julia/bench.jl")
>>>>>>> LU decomposition, elapsed time: 0.07222901 seconds, was 0.123 
>>>>>>> seconds with my julia
>>>>>>> FFT             , elapsed time: 0.248571629 seconds
>>>>>>> Thanks for making and  improving the Fedora package

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