Use `reinterpret` to strip the colorspace typing. So

imgf = reinterpret(Float64, float64(img))

will give you an Image of Float64s. `data(imgf)` then gives you the raw array.


On Thursday, October 02, 2014 09:19:02 AM Andrew Gibb wrote:
> I'm having difficulty getting to grips with the new image representations
> in the reworked Images.jl. I think I've got some of the basics down. But
> now I'm trying to visualise a spectrum, and I'm stumped.
> What's the correct way to create an array/image of Float64s from an
> array/image of Gray{Ufixed8} (So that fft() works), and vice versa (so I
> can visualize the spectrum)?
> Thanks.

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