Dear Andreas

Thanks a lot!


On Wednesday, 1 October 2014 16:12:36 UTC+2, Andreas Noack wrote:
> The error message gives a hint
> ERROR: type: fun: in ccall: first argument not a pointer or valid constant 
>> expression, expected DataType, got Type{(Any...,)}
> The symbol name must be constant. Maybe you can get what you want by using 
> the @eval macro. Have a look in linalg/blas.jl or linalg/lapack.jl where 
> many fortran function are called.
> Med venlig hilsen
> Andreas Noack
> 2014-10-01 2:12 GMT-04:00 moritz braun < <javascript:>>
> :
>> Dear Friends
>> I want to wrap a fortran code that provides the Lebedev-Laikov quadrature 
>> points and weights for
>> 32  different orders for 6 to 5810!
>> I have tried it with the following code
>> for a file LebedevLaikov.jl
>> ===================
>> module LebedevLaikov
>> export ldfuns
>> ldnames={:ld0006_, :ld0014_, :ld0026_, :ld0038_, :ld0050_, :ld0074_, 
>> :ld0086_, :ld0110_, :ld0146_, :ld0170_, :ld0194_, :ld0230_, :ld0266_, 
>> :ld0302_, :ld0350_, :ld0434_, :ld0590_, :ld0770_, :ld0974_, :ld1202_, 
>> :ld1454_, :ld1730_, :ld2030_, :ld2354_, :ld2702_, :ld3074_, :ld3470_, 
>> :ld3890_, :ld4334_, :ld4802_, :ld5294_, :ld5810_}
>> ldns=[6,14,26,38,50,74,86,110,146,170,194,230,266,302,350,434,590,770,974,1202,1454,1730,2030,2354,2702,3074,3470,3890,4334,4802,5294,5810]
>> println( length(ldns)," ",length(ldnames))
>> nl=length(ldnames)
>> # factory function for creating a function for each case!
>> function ldfact()
>>     funs=Dict()
>>     for i in [1:nl]
>>         name=ldnames[i]
>>         ldn=ldns[i]
>>         function fun()
>>             X,Y,Z,W=zeros(ldn),zeros(ldn),zeros(ldn),zeros(ldn)
>>             N=0
>>             ccall( 
>> (name,""),Void,(Ptr{Float64},Ptr{Float64},Ptr{Float64},Ptr{Float64},Ptr{Int32}),X,Y,Z,W,&N)
>>             return X,Y,Z,W,N
>>         end
>>         funs[ldn]=fun    
>>     end
>>     return funs
>> end
>> ldfuns=ldfact()
>> end
>> ==
>> in the interactive julia session
>> using LebedevLaikov 
>> works
>> however
>> ldfuins[110]()
>> results in the error message
>> ERROR: type: fun: in ccall: first argument not a pointer or valid 
>> constant expression, expected DataType, got Type{(Any...,)}
>>  in fun at /home/braunm/bfuns/julia/LebedevLaikov.jl:16
>> I am somehow stack with supplying the symbol of the function via a 
>> variable instead of 
>> in place
>> Any help will be very much appreciated!
>> Thanks a lot to all the magicians that have made  julia already so 
>> amazing!
>> regards
>> Moritz 

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