
After I started Julia Studio I received this message in the Output Console 

ERROR: package directory C:\Users\pamela_j\Documents\v0.3 doesn't exist; 
run Pkg.init() to create it. 

 in error at error.jl:21

 in cd at pkg/dir.jl:25

while loading C:\Program 
Files\JuliaStudio-0.4.5\julia-studio\share\julia-studio\Console\Console.jl, in 
expression starting on line 1

Therefore, I don't have even the chance to write any command in the Console 
window as Julia> doesn't appear. What can I do?

I hope you can help me,



On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:17:32 AM UTC, Dominik Holenstein wrote:
> I needed several attempts until I could start working with Julia Studio on 
> Windows 7. 
> Most of the issues I faced were related to the package management and that 
> Julia Studio creates the package folder for Julia automatically if you 
> don't set the JULIA_PKGDIR path. This may work in most environments but it 
> didn't on the notebook I use at work. 
> These are the steps I had to follow to make Julia Studio (v. 0.43) running 
> properly on Windows 7:
>    - Set the JULIA_PKGDIR variable
>       - Create a folder named for example *Julia Packages* on your 
>       computer. 
>          - I added it to the *My Documents* folder 
>          - I tried to create this folder in the Google Drive folder but 
>          this did not work properly 
>        - Go to
>       Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment 
>       Variables 
>       - Under *User variables* click *New...* and add this: 
>          - Variable Name: JULIA_PKGDIR 
>          - Variable Value: [the path to your *Julia Packages* folder] 
>         - Download and install Julia Studio: 
>    http://forio.com/julia/downloads/ 
>    - Start Julia Studio 
>    - No packages are installed. This is correct 
>    - If you are behind a firewall you may have to run this command in the 
>    console first: 
>       - run(`git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://`) 
>     - Initialize the package repository now by running this command in 
>    the console: 
>       - Pkg.status() 
>     - Now you can start adding packages to your environment 
>       - 
> http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.2/manual/packages/#adding-and-removing-packages
>     - Done + Enjoy! 
> Is this useful for you? 
> Inputs, corrections, comments and questions are much appreciated. 
> Regards,
> Dominik

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