El viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014 05:15:48 UTC-5, Simon Byrne escribió:
> On Friday, 10 October 2014 04:12:37 UTC+1, David P. Sanders wrote:
>> I believe (but please correct me if I'm wrong) that I do need a macro, 
>> since I use it with whole expressions to ensure the correct rounding, for 
>> example
>> (simplifying) something like
>> @round_down( min(a*b, c*d) )
> You can use with_rounding for this:
> with_rounding(() -> min(a*b,c*d), T, RoundDown)
> or equivalently, with do syntax:
> with_rounding(T, RoundDown) do
>     min(a*b,c*d)
> end

Thanks. I should have been more clear.
I was previously using with_rounding, but in order to avoid this being 
littered through the code, I wanted to hide it somewhere, 
and this somewhere thus has to be a macro, in order to avoid the arithmetic 
being performed before the function was even called:

macro round_down(expr)quote
with_rounding(BigFloat, RoundDown) do $expr end endend

(Not sure what happened to the indentation when copying from GitHub, sorry.)

This works great when everything is BigFloats.
But now I want to add the possibility that intervals store either Float64s 
or BigFloats, so I wanted the
macro to also check the type of its argument, which is where my original 
code came from.

One solution would be to add an explicit parameter T to the @round_down 
macro, e.g. the following
which avoids eval at the expense of a repetitive code smell:

macro new_round_down(expr, T)
    if T == :Float64
            with_rounding(Float64, RoundDown) do
    elseif T == :BigFloat
            with_rounding(BigFloat, RoundDown) do

But this again makes the code more messy, since the Interval type must now 
be parametrised (which may be a good idea anyway!)

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