Any updates on this?


On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:31:16 PM UTC-8, Brian Cohen wrote:
> Most code examples for Julia are aimed at users of existing statistical 
> and numerical software without demonstrating how functional programming can 
> be substantially more useful for their field. In many ways, Julia is a Lisp 
> without S-Expressions, so I didn't think it would be unwise to port code 
> examples from Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics 
> <>
> from Scheme to Julia. This book shows how functional programming can be 
> directly applied to the formalism of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, 
> but Scheme & SCMUtils 
> <> may be too 
> obscure and syntactically different from what people are used to for most 
> people in the physical sciences.
> Book review:
> I was impatient, and decided to just start porting code, so the first 
> example was easy enough:
> (define ((L-free-particle mass) local)
>   (let ((v (velocity local)))
>   (* 1/2 mass (dot-product v v))))
> would become something like lFreeParticle(mass) = tuple -> begin v = 
> velocity(tuple); mass * dot(v,v) / 2 end. So far so good.
> But it's not long that I encounter usage of SCMUTILS
> (define q
>   (up (literal-function ’x)
>       (literal-function ’y)
>       (literal-function ’z)))
> So I turn to the Appendix which talks about Symbolic values in Scheme, and 
> confirming it in the SCMUTILS documentation, it appears that symbols have 
> the same type as real numbers, which seems very different than symbolic 
> expressions as described in the Julia documentation. Here, up constructs 
> a tuple, and literal-function is a constructor for symbolic manipulation. 
> At this point, I'm not sure how to proceed, but am still looking into the 
> matter. I see that the only packages that mention symbolic manipulation are 
> a SymPy interface and a Calculus package.

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