Maybe point 3 on the noteworthy differences list could be expanded. If 
Stephan doesn't do so, I can try to give it a shot later

Op maandag 13 oktober 2014 19:53:58 UTC+2 schreef Ivar Nesje:
> This behaviour is already bullet 2 and 3 on the list you suggested. 
> Emphasizing that Matlab implicitly inserts a copy(x), when you mutate 
> arrays after some boundaries might be a good idea. I also find it somewhat 
> hard to grasp the consequences of the current wording, but I'm not the 
> target audience for that part of the documentation.
> As always when you want to change something in Julia, the prefered way is 
> to submit a pull request on Github. For documentation, you can even use the 
> github 
> web ui 
> <>
>  to 
> edit. If you open a pull request you should also link to this thread as 
> previous discussion.
> Regards Ivar
> kl. 16:35:52 UTC+2 mandag 13. oktober 2014 skrev Stephan Buchert følgende:
>> Thanks for the explanations.
>> To me this seems now reasonable, after realizing that in Julia not only 
>> reshape etc, but already the normal assignment b=a (for a an array) opens 
>> for the same kind of "surprises" as I had noticed them with reshape. Coming 
>> from Matlab this is a surprise, but for someone being familiar with certain 
>> other languages, I guess, it is not?
>>  julia> a=[1, 2, 3]
>> 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
>>  1
>>  2
>>  3
>> julia> b=a;
>> julia> b[2]=0
>> 0
>> julia> a
>> 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
>>  1
>>  0
>>  3
>> But then "+-" is different again:
>> julia> b+=1;
>> julia> a
>> 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
>>  1
>>  0
>>  3
>> Perhaps one could add in 
>> under Matlab near the top something like:
>> * Arrays are mutable. Assignments like b=a and functions b=f(a) behave in 
>> Matlab always equivalent to b=copy(a) and b=f(copy(a)), but in Julia b 
>> becomes conceptually a pointer or different view of the contents of a. The 
>> values of a can be altered through b.
>> PS: Yes, linear indices work directly also in Julia, I had overlooked this
>> Am Montag, 13. Oktober 2014 10:33:26 UTC+2 schrieb Jutho:
>>> Some more comments / answers:
>>> I too was confused by the precise use of ! when I first started using 
>>> Julia in cases like reshape. However, it is very clear that reshape should 
>>> not have an exclamation mark.
>>> The use of ! in Julia functions is whenever the function modifies one of 
>>> its input arguments. This can be for several reasons:
>>>    1. The function performs some operation in-place: e.g. 
>>>    scale!(A,lambda) multiplies all elements of the array A with the scalar 
>>>    lambda in place.
>>>    2. The operation stores the result of the computation in one 
>>>    (typically the first) argument: e.g. copy!(B,A), permutedims!(B,A,perm), 
>>>    scale!(B,A,lambda), Base.transpose!(B,A): do something with the data of 
>>> A 
>>>    and store the result in the pre-allocated but not necessarily 
>>> initialised 
>>>    array B
>>>    3. The function overwrites the input arguments for use as temporary 
>>>    workspace, but the actual result is just a normal return value as in 
>>>    typical functions: e.g. the different [eig,svd,qr]fact!(A) methods
>>> The Base.LinAlg.BLAS methods do something in between 1. and 2.; they 
>>> store the result of the computation in a dedicated 'output' argument as in 
>>> 2., but they can also just add the result to that output argument, in which 
>>> case it needs to be correctly initialised.
>>> In summary, the exclamation mark means that if you need the original 
>>> values of all of the arguments after calling he function, you should better 
>>> make a copy, since calling the function allows it to destroy the original 
>>> values of its arguments (only possible with arrays or other mutable types).
>>> Also note that most of these functions do not change the size of array 
>>> arguments, resize! is one of the notable few exceptions and only works with 
>>> one-dimensional arrays (vectors).
>>> reshape doesn't fit in any of these categories. B=reshape(A,newsize) 
>>> does not destroy the values of a. It is however true that the output B 
>>> shares data with A, just like if you do B=slice(A,...) or B=sub(A,...). 
>>> Note that none of these functions use an exclamation mark, nor is there any 
>>> other stylistic convention to indicate that this happens. That's just a new 
>>> aspect of the language that you have to take into account when coming from 
>>> e.g. Matlab, but that is very natural when coming from e.g. C.
>>> Finally, note that linear indexing indeed works on an array without 
>>> reshaping, but that if you want the 'vectorized' version a multidimensional 
>>> array, there is the build in function B=vec(A), which is indeed equivalent 
>>> to B=reshape(A,prod(size(A)))
>>> Op zaterdag 11 oktober 2014 22:20:13 UTC+2 schreef Stephan Buchert:
>>>> julia> a=[1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
>>>> 3x2 Array{Int64,2}:
>>>>  1  2
>>>>  3  4
>>>>  5  6
>>>> julia> b=reshape(a, prod(size(a)));
>>>> julia> b[3]=0
>>>> 0
>>>> julia> a
>>>> 3x2 Array{Int64,2}:
>>>>  1  2
>>>>  3  4
>>>>  0  6

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