Consider this code:

function give_funs()
  funs = []
  for i in 1:5
    function newfun()
    funs = [funs, newfun]

The intention is to create 5 functions and store them in a list called 
All the functions take no argument, and when the ith function is called, it 
returns i.

However, when run...
funs1 = give_funs()
funs1[1]() # this should give 1, but instead it gives 5
funs1[2]() # this should give 2, but instead it gives 5 as well

This is problem goes away if I stop naming the function as "newfun" but 
instead use ananymous functions like so:
funs = [funs, () -> i]
however in real code I would like to give it a name so to be more clear 
what the function is suppose to compute

It seems that these functions are bound by their function names, and since 
they're all named "newfun", the compiler over-write the old ones defined 

How should this be resolved?

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