typo in my hacky function. Should have written 
"src", "PackageName.jl"))

On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:33:11 AM UTC-4, Spencer Lyon wrote:

I am doing some numerical work and then plotting some results.
> I really don’t need to load the plotting packages on all processes that 
> are used to do the computation. Is there a way to execute import or using 
> on one process only?
> I have tried include(joinpath(Pkg.dir("PackageName"), "PackageName.jl")), 
> but this is only an ok way to do it because any time using, require, or 
> import is called from within PackageName.jl it loads each of those 
> dependencies on each process.
> Anyone know of a better way to do this?
> ​

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