I saw this today too.


On Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:20:19 PM UTC+5:30, Douglas Bates wrote:
> I think this is due to a recent change in 0.4.0.  The declaration
> # use ContiguousView when contiguousness can be determined statically
> immutable ContiguousView{T,N,Arr<:Array{T}} <: ArrayView{T,N,N}
>     arr::Arr
>     offset::Int
>     len::Int
>     shp::NTuple{N,Int}
> end
> throws an ERROR: T not defined
> At least I believe this was working in 0.4.0 until recently.
> What is the state of "Array Nirvana" in 0.4?  I am happy to avoid using 
> ArrayViews if I can get contiguous views in 0.4

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